Pools for Your Garden

At pools.shop, you'll find the right pool for your home. We offer pools in all shapes and sizes - from above-ground pools and steel wall pools to whirlpools and paddling pools. Round, rectangular or oval, we've got a large selection of models from well-known brands such as Intex, Steinbach, EXIT Toys, Swim Essentials and Bestway - and, of course, at great prices and speedy delivery.

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Pools: 1 - 30 of 33 items

If you're looking to get a pool for your garden, we recommend that you think about it carefully and consider all aspects. First of all, the right choice will guarantee more fun and secondly, avoiding the wrong product will save you money. We will discuss pools of different designs and list the advantages and disadvantages of each.

I. A top ring pool? The perfect choice if you want to keep costs low

Top ring pools, also known as "Inflatable Pools", "Quick Up" or "Easy Set Pools" are a good choice if you want to keep costs low. These are the perfect entry-level models. This type of pool would be a good option especially for beginners who are not sure whether having a pool would be a good idea over the long run. If you realise that you don't use the pool regularly, at least you will not have spent too much money on it. We offer a variety of models ranging from small baby pools to ones that measure five and a half meters across.

Advantages and disadvantages

Easy Set pools are very easy to set up: spread it out, inflate the top air ring, fill up with water, done! Dismantling is also just as easy. Note, however, these pools can only be filled up to approx. 80% and that they are narrower at the top which results in a loss of net surface area. The air rings are also a weakness as they can be relatively easily damaged by sharp objects.

II. A frame pool? A good idea in most cases!

Frame pools do not have a top air ring but consist of a frame made up of steel tubes across which a pool liner is hung. Compared to top ring pools, the water fill level is noticeably more generous at 90% instead of 80% given the same pool wall height. Also, frame pools do not get narrower at the top resulting in more net surface area than a top ring pool of similar dimensions. In general, a frame pool will serve you longer than a top ring pool. Even a cat or bird sitting on the inflated ring of the top ring pool can result in damage while it won't cause any damage at all to a frame pool.

Larger selection, more customisation options

Frame pools come in round, rectangular, and oval shapes. But that's not the only difference: while top ring pools almost always come in blue, frame pools are available in many more colours and patterns. They are available in different shades of grey and blue as well as in wood, rattan or stone look (with other colours as well). This makes it easier for you to buy a pool that looks good in your garden. Frame pools range from small baby paddling pools to pools with dimensions of 10 x 5 m. Round pools can have a diameter of up to 732 cm - truly generous!

Frame pools are extremely popular!

The combination of larger choice, customisation options and a long life makes this an attractive option for many pool users. Although frame pools are usually more expensive than their top ring counterparts, the difference in cost is actually not much. For many people, frame pools hit the sweet spot between price and performance. Because the price difference compared to a permanent pool installation is still considerable - in favour of the frame pools, of course. Another point to note is that there are plenty of accessories available for customising your pool to fulfil your individual desires. You can choose whether you want a saltwater pool, heated pool or completely chemical-free natural pool - all these options are possible without any problems and are no longer limited to expensive permanent pools.

III. A steel wall pool? That is a good option too...

Steel wall pools are the next type of pool to consider. Usually noticeably more expensive than frame pools, they offer several advantages. They can easily be left out all winter long provided a few protective steps are taken. Also, they can usually be installed in the ground. Especially if you want to have a water height of more than 120 cm, you should take a closer look at steel wall pools as there are some models with a filling height of almost 150 cm. But be aware that assembling steel wall pools can be challenging and tedious - but the good thing is that it only needs to be done once. The thickness of the steel wall and the pool liner are important factors to consider in steel wall pools - we recommend models that offer more thickness. Although these cost more, they last much longer. With the proper care and treatment, they can last for 20 years or longer which compensates for the additional cost.

In-ground Steel Wall Pool: A luxury and expensive!

If you're thinking about buying a steel wall pool, you have to keep in mind the costs. Free-standing steel wall pools usually cost "only" two to four times as much as their frame pool counterparts, but as soon as you think about an inground steel wall pool, the costs go up and include excavation etc.

IV. Inflatable Hot Tubs

These pools are of particular interest to those who want to soak in warm water and relax but not swim or play in the water. This type of pool requires comparatively little space. Because hot tubs are much smaller than regular pools, the volume of water is also smaller and can be heated much more easily - even in cold ambient temperatures.

In contrast to large permanent installations, inflatable hot tubs are usually much cheaper. If you choose a larger model, they will typically have more jets and could even be coupled with a salt water system - all of which will lead to increased costs. This is nevertheless a much cheaper option than a permanent installation.

V. Eco-Massive Pools

These pools are designed to be completely buried in the ground. The walls are made of collapsible styrofoam blocks, which make assembly faster and offer first-class insulation. This is particularly important if you wish to heat your eco-massive pool and keep the heating costs under control. Although such pools start at a few thousand euros, you have to add the cost of excavation, concrete, edge stones, drainage and other accessories. The costs can be reduced if you do the work yourself but in either case, you can expect to exceed €10,000 mark even with the cheapest model. But bear in mind that such pools are fantastic and guarantee maximum pool fun. Two other factors also put the additional cost into perspective. One, that massive pools are very long-lasting and two, they increase the value of your property, sometimes very significantly.

Tips and tricks on getting a pool and keeping costs low

a) Keep in mind that your children will grow and avoid double purchases

The height of the pool is often decided based on the current size of children - which makes perfect sense of course! But something that pool buyers tend not to think about is that many pools do not have to be filled to capacity to be used. Round frame pools and steel wall pools can usually be operated 20-25cm below their maximum fill level.

Example: Your child is currently 110 cm tall. In this case, ideally, the water level should not exceed 90 cm. So you may be thinking about buying a frame pool with a wall height of 100 cm since this will have a water height of exactly 90 cm. But in a year or two, your child will grow and a pool with a higher water level would be better. As a result, you will end up buying twice. This can be avoided if you opt for a frame pool with a pool height of 122 cm. The maximum fill height is 109 cm but it can be filled to 90 cm without any problems.

b) Just bought a pool and already have holes? OH NO!!!

Many pool buyers are not aware that pool liners have slightly different properties depending on the temperature. Unfolding a pool liner that is folded or creased at cold temperatures can result in holes. Therefore: only set up your pool if the pool liner is at 10°C or higher (15°C and above is ideal). If in doubt, let it come up to room temperature over several hours before setting it up. You can reduce the probability of holes in your pool liner by 95%-98% by following this simple advice! Storage: Do not fold/crease too much and ensure that the liner is totally dry before folding to prevent mould formation. Plus, make sure that mice or rats can't get to your pool liner. We have seen cases where they've gnawed through the liner and destroyed it.

c) Think about heating before you buy

Many people do not consider how to heat their pool before buying it. Needless to say, the size of the pool significantly affects the ability to heat it. The larger the pool, the more complex it is to heat it. Even comparatively small pools are not easy to heat. 90% of all pool buyers underestimate the effort involved in heating a pool. And as a result, they usually underestimate the costs. If you proceed without a plan, the costs will go up rapidly. You can find more information about how to heat pools efficiently and keep costs under control in our pool heating guide.

d) Calculate enough for pool accessories when buying a pool!

At the end of the day, a pool alone is just a large tank of water. This is not a guarantee for cool, splashing watery fun on its own. If you don't do regular maintenance, your pool water will turn into an unsightly, unhealthy mess over time. To avoid that you will need to clean and disinfect your pool water on a regular basis. You will need the following pool accessories:

There are also a few accessories that are not absolutely necessary but can make life easier. Popular accessories are solar covers and solar heaters (for a higher water temperature), pool lights, pool mats (for comfort and thermal insulation), pool heaters, air mattresses and ladders. But don't worry - we will describe all the products in detail and put together cost-optimised sets for you to help you get the maximum value for your money.