Robotic Pool Cleaners for Regular Pool Cleaning

Are you looking for the perfect robotic pool cleaner for your pool? Then you've come to the right place! We've got pool cleaners from Bestway, Intex, Aiper, WYBOT and Steinbach.

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Robotic Pool Cleaners: 1 - 30 of 47 items

Which is the right pool cleaner for me?

In order to answer this question, we should first take a look at the differences between the various robotic pool cleaners. Because there are some differences, as well as advantages and disadvantages to each. To avoid making the wrong purchase, you should carefully consider all the aspects. So let's take a look at the factors:

I. Pool size

Generally speaking, the larger the pool, the fewer robotic pool cleaners are suitable. Some are not right because the performance is not suitable, others, because the speed is not adequate, the connection cable is too short or the battery is too small.

II Drive type of pool robots

There are three types of drive:

  • Pool pump drive: These pool robots are driven by the suction force or the pressure force of the pool pump. They do not contain any electrical components and are therefore generally extremely inexpensive. However, suction power, handling and reliability can vary considerably. For example, these robots are least able to cope with slight bumps or slopes.
  • Electric drive; power supply by cable. These pool vacuum cleaners are generally quite powerful. They always work with the same power. Some models can be annoying to use with long cables. More expensive than comparable pump-operated models.
  • Electric drive; power supply via integrated battery. These pool robots are even more expensive than models with a power cable, as the motor contains a battery as well. The battery also limits the operating time and the maximum amount of energy that can be used. This is why their suction units are usually less powerful than those of models with power cables. On the other hand, you don't have to worry about the inconvenience caused by a power cable.

III Floor, wall and waterline suction

Some robotic pool cleaners only vacuum the pool floor. As most of the dirt sinks to the bottom over time anyway, we do not see this as a major practical disadvantage. Other robotic pool cleaners can also climb the walls and clean them. This is extremely useful for large rectangular frame pools, as the transition from the floor to the wall is seamless. But best of all, most robotic pool cleaners that can climb & clean the walls can also clean the waterline. This is a very useful feature, as regular cleaning can prevent dirt from sticking to the waterline, which is harder to remove later and can only be done manually with aggressive chemicals.

IV. Pool construction types with different grip

When it comes to climbing up walls, it is important for the pool cleaner to have a secure grip. If the grip is not strong enough, the cleaner will simply sink back down again - and, if you're unlucky, it might land on its top and be unable to move any more. To prevent this from happening, a secure grip is therefore particularly important. Lined pools (e.g. steel wall pools) with a thickness of more than 0.4 mm offer the most grip and almost every robotic pool cleaner is suitable for use.

V. Handling and using the robotic pool cleaner

There are some differences here as well. Some filter housings can be opened from above, some only from below. To do this, however, the robot must be turned upside down, which some people find awkward. The weight of a pool robot is also an important factor: especially if you're not very strong and you have to lift the pool cleaner into an above-ground pool, for example, every additional kilo makes it harder to do. Especially when removing it from the pool when the pool cleaner is filled with water. Small robots without a battery are generally lighter and those without an electric motor are lighter still. On the other hand, pump-operated models require installation each time they are used: connecting the hose on both sides and subsequent emptying take time. Very high-priced robotic pool cleaners have a scan function - they scan and map your pool to find much more efficient routes over time. This significantly reduces the operating time required.

VI Accessories and design

Most electric robotic pool cleaners have a drive motor. However, some models come with one motor on each side - these are much more manoeuvrable. Some cable-operated robots have a swivel joint on the cable - this prevents cables from getting tangled and is a very practical feature. On the other hand, cable problems are not an issue with high-quality pool robots in practice, as they bend evenly to the left and right. Many devices offer the option of daily timers, which can be used to set daily, multi-day or weekly cycles, for example. We don't consider this function too important, as we emphatically recommend removing the pool cleaner from the pool after each use. Firstly, leaving the cleaner in the pool looks strange, and secondly, because it takes up space and because the dirt it has suctioned up should be removed from the water cycle - this reduces the use of chemicals. Of course, the fact that leaving it in chlorinated water all the time also means unnecessary wear and tear also plays a role. Another aspect is ground contact: Some models use classic wheels, others have caterpillar tracks. In our opinion, caterpillar tracks are preferable at the same price.

Robotic pool cleaners with manual remote control

Some models offer the option of manual intervention. Some can even be controlled with a smartphone app. Especially when it comes to manual intervention, we consider this aspect offers only marginal benefits. After all, the whole point of using a robot is for it to do all the work for you. It may be fun to intervene manually at first, but the point of buying a robotic pool cleaner is so it can take over as much of the work as possible. So think carefully about whether this feature is worth the significant extra cost.

VII Robotic pool cleaners and stairs

Note that stairs pose a problem for virtually every robotic pool cleaner. For some, cleaning stairs is simply impossible, while others can at least integrate them into the navigation. However, this does not mean that the cleaning is really effective: Most steps are just too narrow for a robot to be able to suction there properly.

Making the right choice

Think about what you expect from a robotic pool cleaner and, above all, whether the device in question can deal with your pool. Your choice is especially limited if you want a device that can climb the walls if you have a stainless steel, overflow or tiled pool. This is not a limiting factor for pool cleaners that only vacuum the pool floor. In most cases, your budget will also limit the choice. We find the Steinbach Twin Robotic Pool Cleaner a very attractive option. It doesn't travel too fast but sucks in a lot of water - which greatly reduces turbulence. Plus, its navigation system is smarter than that of cheaper models - not as good as the very expensive scan models, but much better than entry-level models, especially for rectangular pools. It can also climb the walls and clean the waterline. Cheaper models are helpful when cleaning the pool - but you get a lot of value for every extra penny you invest with the "Twin" model.

Tips & tricks for everyday use of pool robots

a) Frequency of use

Please use your robotic pool cleaner at least once a week. This will minimise the build up of dirt and becoming encrusted. Because once this happens, the only way to clean it is manually. This will not be a problem if the pool cleaner is used several times a week. We recommend using it every three days as an ideal sweet spot between cost, wear & tear, effort and cleanliness.

b) Water values

Good water values are a great advantage for robotic pool robots. For example, the pH value should be kept between 7.0-7.4.

c) Correctly lifting it out of the water

Many robotic pool cleaners require a special way of lifting them out of the pool. This is usually described by the manufacturer in the instruction manual or you might have to experiment a little yourself. It's worth the effort, though. This makes it easier and/or you can prevent dirt from getting back into the pool while lifting it out.

d) Regular cleaning

We recommend cleaning the robotic pool cleaner after each use by hosing it down with a garden hose. If you have a saltwater pool, this is an absolute must.

👉 Tip: In our article Filter Systems - which one is right for my pool? we discuss how to find the best sand filter system for your pool.

👉 Tip: Our guide Heating Your Pool - Tips & Tricks will help you in your quest to heat your pool effectively.